Info & Resources


Recommended books and resources.



Parenting Apart: How Separated and Divorced Parents Can Raise Happy and Secure Kids
Christina McGhee

A guide containing practical, effective ways to minimize the effects of divorce on children, this offers solutions to critical parenting problems engendered by divorce.

How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk
Elaine Mazlish and Adele Faber

A revised and updated edition of a practical, innovative guide to solving widespread problems and building foundations for lasting relationships

The Relate Guide to Starting again
Sarah Litvinoff

A careful assessment of the lessons to can be learned from initial failure, this guide reveals how to change the patterns of the past

Online Resources

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Domestic Abuse

Something that is very important to me is my responsibility to make sure everyone is safe in whatever way they choose to work with me.  It isn’t unusual for people to experience some kind of abuse in relationships or to have worries about their own safety. If there are any concerns or worries a good starting point is to take a look at the link below.


In order to have some more information about what happens in a mediation meeting, you can see a YouTube video of a mock mediation here . I am the mediator in this video and Sarah and Will are played by actors.

Another video has been produced by a team of experts at the University of Exeter, during the course of their research, as a useful tool for people like you who are considering mediation - YouTube video.

In addition, you can see this YouTube video which has been produced by the Ministry of Justice.